Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids- Letter writing is one of the key topics in English to study. No matter if you are in class 2 or 12, you need to have sound knowledge of letter writing in English. Here you will get a letter-writing template for kids for free. I have listed some letter writing template documents and pdf for you.

Letter writing is not a huge task to complete, you just need to understand the steps and strategies. Every educated person should be known how to write a clear and readable letter.

In this post, you will get 10+ Letter writing temples for school students for free.

Letter Writing Template For Kids
Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids


Letter Writing Template For Kids
Letter Writing Template For Kids


Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids
Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids
Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids
Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids
Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template PDF Download

Letter Writing Questions For Students

  1. Write a short letter your cousin, requesting the loan of a camera during your holidays.
  2. Write a short letter from a boy in a boarding school to his mother who is keeping poor health.
  3. Write a letter to your father, who has been away from home for a fortnight, about anything of interest that has taken place in his absence.
  4. Write a letter to your cousin about what particularly pleased you at the circus.
  5. Write a letter from a boy at a boarding school to his parents on the approaching vacation.
  6. Write a letter from a so to his father, stating how he hopes to fare in the approaching school-leaving examination.
  7. Write a letter to your younger brother, scolding him for having neglected his studies.
  8. Writer a letter you have recovered from a long illness. Write about your experience in bed etc.
  9. Write a letter you have been delayed on the night by a railway accident near a small country out-station. Write a letter home relating your experience.
  10. Write a letter to a friend, telling him how you play your favorite game, assuming that he knows nothing about it.
  11. Write a letter to a friend, describing your favorite hobby.
  12. Write a letter to a friend, describing a football match.
  13. Write a letter to a friend describing a tennis tournament.
  14. Write a letter to your friend to whom you are sending a photograph recently taken of your school football team, referring to some common friends in the group.
  15. Write a letter to a friend, describing your mishaps in an obstacle race in the school.
  16. Write a letter to an English boy, describing the Indian juggler.
  17. Write a letter to your friend, about some memory feats you have witnessed or heard about.
  18. Write a letter to a friend who has failed to take his defeat well.
  19. Write a letter to your friends who did not play fair.
  20. Write a letter to a friend, expressing your preference for outdoor games.
  21. Write a letter to your sister, about a real or imaginary flight in an airplane.
  22. Write a letter to a friend, giving a brief description of a holiday tour you intend to make.
  23. Write a letter to a friend, telling him how you spent your summer vacation.
  24. Write a letter to your friend, about the longest journey made by you.
  25. Write a letter to an English friend giving him an idea of life in your town or village.
  26. Write a letter to a friend, describing your visit to some notable public building.
  27. Write a letter a friend writes to say that he is spending a week in your town. Write a letter saying how sorry you are that you will be away, but telling him what he ought to see.
  28. Write a letter to a friend, giving details of a railway accident.
  29. Write a letter from a boarding school girl to her friends, describing a terrible accident that happened to some of her friends while swimming.
  30. Write a letter to a friend giving an account of a striking incident in which you were recently caught.
  31. Write a letter to a friend, giving an account of a brave deed, real or imaginary, noticed by you in your street.
  32. Write a letter to a friend, about a striking example of the presence of mind.
  33. Write a letter to a friend who needlessly runs don the school he used to attend some time ago.
  34. Write a letter ti si a fortnight to your examination, and you are unprepared. Write to your friend about your difficulty.
  35. Write a letter to your friend who works on Sundays as well as on other holidays.
  36. Write a letter to a friend ”It is better to wear out than to rust out” about it.
  37. Write a letter to a friend who is exclusively occupied with his studies, advising him to take part in athletic games.
  38. Write a letter of advice to a friend who complains that he does not know how to spend his spare time.
  39. Write a letter to your very intimate friend, write plainly about his faults also dwell upon the good point of his character.
  40. Write a letter from a young man who has recently become possessed of a fortune left him by his uncle, to his intimate friend.
  41. Write a letter to a friend, advising him to insure his life.
  42. Write a letter to a friend same giving information about a debating union.
  43. Write a letter to a friend describing a horrid dream.
  44. Write a letter to a friend describing a pleasant dream.
  45. Write a letter to a friend giving an account of your favorite storybook or author.
  46. Write a letter to a friend asking him to return a book which you let him a long time ago. Couch your letter in such terms that your friends will not take offense.
  47. Write a letter to a friend, apologizing for not having kept an appointment.
  48. Write a letter to a sick friend in a hospital.
  49. Write a letter from a sister to her brother, describing her visit to an orphanage.
  50. Write a letter to your uncle in Japan, asking for information about the habits and customs of the Japanese.
  51. Write a letter from a son to his father, asking permission to become a lawyer.
  52. Write a letter to a village boy, your cousin telling him what your town is like.
  53. Write a letter to an uncle who has sent you a present of Rs.4000. Write a letter thanking him and telling him how you propose to spend it.
  54. Write a letter to your American friend to accompany a small model of the taj Mahal at Agra which you are sending him.
  55. Write a letter to your friend is a member of a large family you are not what to him
  56. Write a letter to a friend, telling him that you have shifted o a new house and describe your new neighborhood.
  57. Write a letter to your sick friend advise him to go to a hospital s owning to various circumstances he cannot be looked after properly at home
  58. Write a letter thanking him for his kindness and describing your journey.
  59. Write a letter to a friend describing a book you have just read and strongly recommend it to him.
  60. Write a letter to Mohan and the singer complaining that the watch lately bought from them does not keep good time.
  61. Write a letter to a landlord asking that certain repairs be done to the house in which you are living.
  62. Write a letter to your baker, telling him not to deliver any bread while you are away on a holiday.
  63. Write a letter on behalf of your father to a house agent about a suitable flat, starting clearly your requirement
  64. Write a letter to the local Gas or Electic company saying that you need the light etc.
  65. Write a letter to a railways company complaining that your furniture has been damaged in transit and claiming damages
  66. Write a letter to the manager of a factory asking permission for a party to visit the factory.
  67. Write a letter to the secretary of a joint-stock company of which you are a shareholder, notifying your change of address.
  68. Write a letter to the director of Education, applying for an appointment as a teacher in the Educational service.
  69. Write a letter to the commissioner of police about the grant for an appointment as sub-inspector.
  70. Write a letter to the municipal commissioner on the necessity of public parks in a crowded city like London.
  71. Write a letter to the jailor, Yarawada Prisoner as from a prisoner mother asking permission to see her son.
  72. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper on reckless driving.
  73. Write a letter to a newspaper, drawing attention to the unsanitary condition of the city bazaars.
  74. Write a letter to a newspaper protesting against street noises.
  75. Write a letter to a newspaper advocating the establishment of a free library in your town.
  76. Write a letter to a newspaper, complaining of the bad quality and inadequate supply of municipal water in your town.
  77. Write a letter to a newspaper suggesting to the public the desirability of a social service league in your town.
  78. Write a letter to a newspaper on the evils of street-begging
  79. Write a letter to a newspaper appealing for funds to relieve the sufferers from a flood.
  80. Write a letter to a neighbor whose dog annoys you by barking at night.
  81. Write a letter as from a father to his son, about a drunkard and his unhappy family.
  82. Write an imaginary letter from a great-grandfather to his great-grandson about the means of communication in his days.
  83. Write a letter to your headmaster asking for a letter of recommendation and explaining what you want.
  84. Write a letter to the society for the prevention of cruelty to Animals about a case of cruelty to a bullock.
  85. Write a letter to a friend who you think is a rolling stone
  86. Write a letter from a grandfather to his grandson who lives beyond his income.
  87. Write a letter to your younger brother advising temperance.

Best Book For Letter Writing


Letter Writing Template For Kids

Letter Writing Template For Kids


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