Money Madness Poem Questions and Answers PDF

Are you looking for a Money Madness poem summary? Do you want to download Money Madness poem mcq? Are you searching for Money Madness by D.H Lawrence’s poem explanation? Then you are in the right place. Here you will get Money Madness poem notes for free.

About D.H Lawrence

David Herbert Richards Lawrence is an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic, and painter. He is famous for his Collected works and Money Madness.

Money Madness Poem Extra Questions and Answers

  1. Are all people of the world mad for money? Which line implies this?
  2. We all people equally mad for money or degree of madness vary from person to person?
  3. How does a person feel when he hands out a ten-pound note?
  4. How does a person feel when he parts with a pound of money?
  5. What kind of feeling does money create in us?
  6. Are we really afraid of money or moneyed men?
  7. What do people say about a man’s worth?
  8. How many times is ”dirt” repeated in the poem? What does the poet mean by ”dirt”?
  9. How do money-mad men treat men without- money?
  10. What does a man do without fear- poverty or dishonor by eating ‘dirt’?
  11. Why does the poet say ”We must have some money?
  12. What does the poet mean by ”bread” ”shelter” , ”fire”?
  13. Do you think ”bread”, ”shelter” and ”fire” should be free?
  14. Why does the poet repeat the words ”all and anybody” in line 24?
  15. What does it mean to ”regain our sanity”?
  16. What are the two things implied in – ”It’s one thing or the other”?

Money Madness Poem Questions and Answers PDF

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Money Madness Poem Questions and Answers PDF

Money Madness Poem Questions and Answers PDF


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