Teaching of English Prose

Teaching of English Prose- How to teach English prose in the class? Do you want to understand the aims and objectives of teaching English prose? Do you have any idea about methods of teaching English prose? Here you will get all the solutions.

Methods of teaching English prose- It’s necessary to understand the methods of teaching prose in English. It’s also important to get some ideas about the techniques for teaching English prose.

Here you will get notes on the general and specific objectives of teaching English prose for free.

Teaching of English Prose
Teaching of English Prose

Teaching of English Prose

In our schools, there is generally one textbook having lessons in both prose and poetry. The number of poetry lessons is few. There are two broad aims of teaching prose and poetry

A- literary aim

B- Subject matter aim

For achieving these two aims the teaching of prose and poetry should be intensive. Intensive study is mainly related to explanation, detailed information, appreciation, and all those aspects that are considered essential for the development of aesthetic sense.

Teaching of Prose

According to Coleridge, ”Prose is worded in their best order.” There is a need for a pre-planned lesson plan for teaching prose. Different scholars have suggested different types of lesson plans.

Aims of Teaching English Prose

  1. To enable students to understand the passage and grasp its meaning.
  2. To enable the pupils to read English passages loudly with correct pronunciation, stress intonation, and articulation of voice.
  3. To enable them to understand the passage by silent reading.
  4. To enrich their active and passive vocabularies
  5. To enable the theme to express ideas of the passage orally and in writing.
  6. To enable them to get knowledge contained in the lesson
  7. To develop their imaginative powers.
  8. To prepare a theme for world citizenship.

Specific Aims of Teaching English Prose

Specific aims vary according to the subject matter of the prose lessons. A prose lesson may be descriptive or a story, biography pay, or essay.

  • Descriptive
  • Story
  • Essay
  • Biography
  • Play

A- Descriptive

  • To acquaint pupils with the style of the writer
  • To develop the imaginative power of students
  • To develop in students a love for natural objects.

B- Story

  • To give knowledge of some facts through the story.
  • To teach some lessons through the story
  • To train students’ character.
  • To acquaint them with the style of story writing

C- Essay

  • To get students to receive knowledge.
  • To make them curious about the subject of the essay
  • To acquaint them with the style of essay writing
  • To enable the theme to arrange ideas in a systematic way

D- Biography

  • To get students acquainted with the lives and deeds of great men
  • To show them the path of character building.
  • To increase their love of aspiration.
  • To inculcate in the theme desirable sentiments.

E- Play

  • To teach students with the play-way method
  • Giving them opportunities for self-expression
  • To make the theme speak the English language in a conversational style.
  • To make them play different roles
  • To build their character.
Preparation of lesson plan for teaching prose

English is a foreign language and Indian students find it difficult. So, teachers should try to motivate students to study the lesson. Whatever they do to attract students to learn the lesson, is called preparation of the lesson.

1- Material Aids

The teacher should use the various materials aids so that he can make the lesson interesting and enable students to understand the lesson with ease and enjoyment.

But he should be cautious of the facts that necessary and superfluous material is neither desirable nor effective.


2- Previous Knowledge

The teacher should know how much knowledge students already possess reading the lesson so that the teacher can give new knowledge by liking it to their past knowledge.

In this way, he can get pupils to connect the new and past experiences mentally and learn the matter.



The introduction has two purposes

A- To bring past knowledge to consciousness

B-To attract students’ attention to the new subject


So, the teacher should first ask some questions to test the previous knowledge of students and then link that to the subject to be taught.


4- Statement of Aim

Psychologically the learner should have a clear-cut objective before him so that he can strive to achieve that. Therefore, the teacher should state the aim.


Presentation for Prose

This is the main part of the lesson plan. To present the lesson to pupils interestingly and efficiently, the teacher should teach the lesson in two or more units. If the lesson is very short, only one unit should be made.

1- Model Reading

This model reading should be done by the teacher. Its purpose is to enable students to know the exact way of reading so, the teacher should try to read with correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress.

Before doing the model reading, he should give instructions to students to read postures, the opening of the book, and attention.

While reading, he should not absorb himself completely in the book. He should give some attention to students too.


2-Pronunciation Drill

Before the loud reading, there should be a pronunciation drill. The selection of words for the pronunciation drill should not be on the basis of meaning but on the basis of which are pronounced or can be pronounced by students.

This can be done before or after the model reading by the teacher.


3- Loud Reading

This reading should be done by students. Two or three students should be asked to read aloud. Other students should follow their books.

  • Errors in pronunciation must be corrected at the end of the reading.
  • Students should be asked to keep their toe book one foot away from the eyes.
  • All students should sit or stand in proper posture.


4-Exposition and Explanation

The purpose of exposition and explanation are

  • To clear the meaning of difficult words, phrases, and idioms.
  • To make the comprehension of the passage easy.
  • To pave way for intensive reading.

The teacher can employ the following methods for the exposition of words

  • Direct Method
  • Translation Method
  • Usage Method
  • Similar Word Method
  • Contrasted Word Method
  • Derivation Method
  • Reference Method

5-  Silent Reading

This reading is done by students. The purpose of it is.

  • To enable students to read silently.
  • To pave the way for extensive reading
  • To bring students back to the passage after the exposition and explanation
  • The whole class should be quiet.
  • The postures of the student should be appropriate


6- Comprehension Question

After the silent reading, some questions should be asked to test pupils’ comprehension of the passage. This can be done as follow

  • By asking to mean
  • By asking a question on the main portions of the passage
  • By asking for figures of speech, phrases idioms of the passage
  • To test if students have understood the passage.
  • To draw their attention to the main reference
  • To make theme contrast ideas

7- Recapitulation

After teaching the lesson in one or more units, there should be a recapitulation of the lesson.

  • If the students have learned what has been taught.
  • If they can derive the gist of the passage
  • If they can transfer their learning to other situations.
  • The answers to such questions should belong.
  • The questions should be from all the passages taught in different units.
  • Describe the main incidents of the story.

8- Blackboard Work

Blackboard can be used for various purposes like reading difficulties, writing comprehension, and questions.


9- Assignment

Students should be given some assignments.

  • To remember the meaning and spelling of new words
  • To use these words in sentences.
  • To fill in the gaps
  • To write the gist
  • To explain words, phrases, and idioms
  • To answer questions on the passage
  • To write in a few lines what lesson has been given through the passage.

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The teaching of English Prose

The teaching of English Prose






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