Top 100 MCQ on Victorian Age in English Literature

Get the top 100 MCQ on Victorian Period in English literature- It’s very important to practice MCQ on the victorian age in English literature because the victorian age is an integral part of the UGC NET examination. It is also helpful for PGT/TGT or TET examination. So do you want to download the top 100 MCQs on the Victorian age in English literature?

It’s important to understand the historical background of the Victorian age and its characteristics of the Victorian age. Also, you can have complete knowledge about the important writes of the Victorian period. Most of the questions are asked from their literary works.

You can also download pdf from the Victorian age.

Top 100 MCQ on Victorian Age in English Literature
Top 100 MCQ on Victorian Age in English Literature

Victorian Age in English Literature PDF

Here I will provide you with complete notes on the victorian age. You can download a pdf of Victorian literature.

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Top 34 Victorian-Age Writers

  1. Alfred Lord Tennyson
  2. Robert Browning
  3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  4. Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  5. Christina Rossetti
  6. William Morris
  7. A-C Swinburne
  8.  G.M Hopkins
  9. Edward Fitzgerald
  10. Charles Dickens
  11. William Makepeace Thackeray
  12. George Eliot
  13. Charles Reade
  14. Anthony Trollope
  15. Emily Bronte
  16. Anne Bronte
  17. Bulwer Lytton
  18. Charles Kingsley
  19. Elizabeth Gaskell
  20. R.D Blackmore
  21. Thomas Hardy
  22. George Meredith
  23. R.L Stevenson
  24. Lewis Carol
  25. William Wilkie Collins
  26. Arthur Conan Doyle
  27. Thomas Babington Macaulay
  28. Thomas Carlyle
  29. John Ruskin
  30. Mathew Arnold
  31. J.H Newman
  32. Walter Peter
  33. Oscar Wild

Top 100 MCQ on Victorian Age in English Literature

1- Queen Victoria Succeed to the throne of England after

A- William IV

B-Edward VII

C- George IV

D-George III


2- The golden jubilee of Queen Victoria celebrated in






3- Queen Victoria became the Empress of India in






4- Oxford movement was basically a

A- Religious Movement

B- Literary Movement

C-Social Movement

D-Economical Movement


5-Oxford  Movement was started by

A- The Scholars of Oxford University

B-The Clergy Man of Oxford

C-The University Wits



6- Who was the leader of the Pre-Raphaelite group

A- D.G Rossetti

B- Christina Rossetti


D- Morris


7-Who is the author of The Blessed Damozel?

A-D. G Rossetti


C-Robert Browning

D-Christina Rossetti


8- Who is the author of Aurora Leigh?

A-Elizabeth Barrette Browning

B- Swinburne

C- Tennyson

D-Christina Rossetti


9-The Basic theme of Arnold’s literature and dogma is

A- Theology  

B-Contemporary Literary Criticism

C-Social Changes in Victoria

D-Art and Literature


10- Arnold’s Culture and Anarchy deals with the subject of

A- Education  


C- Religion



11- Which of the following novel is called a ”Novel without a hero”?

A- Vanity Fair

B-Mill on the Floss

C-Pickwick Paper

D-Northanger Abbey


12- What is meant by Wexxes?

A-The Region in which Hardy’s Novel is set

B-The Regions where the Bronte Sisters lived

C-The Home town of George Eliot

D-The name of a region in Scotland


13-George Eliot’s Novel Romola is a

A- Historical Novel

B- Religious Novel

C-Gothic Novel

D-Picaresque Novel


14- George Eliot was the pen name of

A- Mary and Evan

B-Mary Collisions

C-Lara Evans



15- Charles Dickens left one novel unfinished, which is

A- Edwin Drood

B- Our Mutual Friends

C-Dombey and Son



16- Who wrote ” If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him?




D- None


17- Tennyson was appointed as the Poet Laureate after

A- William Wordsworth

B-Robert Southey

C-S.T Coleridge

D-Robert Browning


18- In In Memoriam Tennyson mourns the death of

A- Arthur Hallam


C-Hugh Clough

D-Lord Byron


19- Mathew Arnold’s Thyrsis is an elegy written on the death of

A- Hugh Clough                                  

B-Edward King


D-Arthur Hallam


20- Who defines ”Poetry is a criticism of life, under the condition fixed for such a criticism by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty”

A-Mathew Arnold                             

B- Coleridge




21- In which of Hardy’s novel does the scene of the wife’s auction takes place?

A-The Mayor of Casterbridge

B-Return to the Native

C-Judge the Obscure



22-Wilkie Collins is known for

A-The creation of sensational plots

B-Psychological Characterization

C-Creating Double Plot

D-The Striking ending of his novel


23-What award was given to Hardy as a novelist

A-Oder of Merit


C- Leadership

D- Nobel Prize


25- In one of his novel Hardy says ”Happiness but an occasional episode in the general drama of pain” in which of the following novel

A-The Mayer of Caster bridge


C- Jude of Obscure

D-The Return of the Native


26- Hardy quotes Shakespeare’s remarks  ”As flies to the wanton boys are we to the God they kill us for their spot”


B-The Mayer of Caster Bridge

C- Jude of Obscure

D-The Return of the Native


26- Hardy believes in the philosophy of

A-Immanent Will

B-Character is Destiny

C-Free Will

D- Man is the master of his own fate


27-Who is the author of Prometheus Bound?

A-Elizabeth Barrette Browning

B-P. B Shelley

C- Lord Byron

D- Robert Browning


28-Which of the following poets says ”Nature as red in tooth and claw?

A- Tennyson

B-Thomas Hardy

C-Rudyard Kipling

D-W.E Henley


29-Which of the following novel of Charles Dickens is autobiographical

A- David Copperfield

B-Hard Times

C-Pickwick Paper

D- A tale of two cities


30-Who is the author of the novel No Name?

A-Willkie Collins

B- Anne Bronte

C-Charles Kingsley

D-Mrs Elizabethan Gaskell


31- Dickens said about one of his novels, ”I like this the best” Which novel he is referring to

A- David Copperfield

B- A Tale of Two Cities

C- Great Expectation

D-Oliver Twist


32- Who is the author of  Dr.Jaykal and Mr. Hyde?

A- R.L Stevenson

B-Charles Reade

C-Charles Kingsley

D-George Meredith


33- Charles Dickens’s characters generally are


B- Humour

C- Round



34- In Dickens’s A Tale of Two cities refers to

A- London and Paris

B-Rome and Paris

C-Athens and Paris

D-Berlin and Paris


35- The theme of Tennyson’s Idylls of the King is

A-The story of King  Arthur and His Round Table

B-Helen and the Greek King

C-Roman Emperor and their victories



36- Tennyson Queen Mary is

A- Drama

B- Poetry

C- Play



37- ”And there be no moaning of the bar, when I put out to sea” these lines occur in Tennyson

A-Crossing the Bar


C-Break Break Break

D-In Memorium


38- Which poem of Browning begins ”Grow old along with me I the best yet to be”

A-Rabble Ben Ezra

B- The Last Ride Together

C-Home Thought From Abrade

D-The Last Reader


39- ”I was ever a fighter, so one fight more the best and the last” Poem Browning lines occur


B-My Last Ductches

C-Rabble Ben Ezra

D-The Last Reader


40-  ”God in his heaven alright with the world” lines occur

A- Pippa Passes

B- Even Hope

C-Life in Love

D-The Portrait


41- ”Truth sit upon the lips of dying man” in which poem Mathew Arnold occur these lines

A-Soharb and Rustam


C-Scholar Gypsy

D-Rugby Chapel


42- Who is the author of the Origin of Species?

A-Charles Darwin

B-Lord Tennyson

C-Mathew Arnold

D-Charles Dickens


43-Which of the following was the most popular form of literature during the Victorian Age

A- Novel 


C- Prose

D- Drama


44- Lord Tennyson as appointed Poet Laureate in





Characteristic of the Victorian Age in English Literature Notes

45- In 1884 Lord Tennyson created a baron and set in

A-The House of Lords

B-The house of people

C-The house of commons



46-The character Maggie and Tom Tuliver belongs to

A- The mill on the floss                        


C-Adam Bede

D-Daniel Deronda


47- Which of the following is George Eliot’s last novel?

A-Daniel Deronda


C-Adam Bede

D-The Mill on The Floss


48- The story of George Eliot set in medieval Florance.


B-Middle March

C-Adam Bede

D- The Mill on The Floss


49- Which of the following is Dicken’s first novel

A- The Pickwick Paper

B-Oliver Twist

C-Hard Times

D-Bleak House


50- Phrases like ”Eternal note of sadness and human misery” belong to

A-Dover Beach

B-Love Among Ruins




51——–refers to the theme of human being an unquotable thirst for knowledge and wandering.


B- Dover Beach

C- In Memoriam

D- None


52-London town is found a living being in the work of

A-Charles Dickens

B-D. H Lawrence

C-W. Congreve

D-Thomas Hardy


53- ‘A song embodying religious and scared emotion”

A- Hymn





54- Who wrote the book ‘Ivan Hoe’?

A-Sir Walter Scott

B- R.L Stevenson

C-Earnest Hemingway

D-O ‘Henry


55- Who wrote the poem, Ulysses?

A-Alfred Tennyson

B-Robert Browning

C-George Eliot

D-Charles Dickens


56- Which poetry is written by Sir Walter Scott?


B-The Patriot

C-A Frosty Night



57- Tennyson wrote

A-The Lotus-Eater

B-Dover Beach

C-My Last Duchess



58- ”The Falcon is a comedy by

A-Alfred Tennyson

B-Charlotte Bronte

C-Robert Browning

D-Emily Bronte

Victorian Age in English Literature Notes

59- Browning was the composer of any of the following poem

A-Andrea Del Sarto

B-Two Voice

C-The Scholar Gipsy



60-The Poem ‘The Patriot’ is written by

A- Robert Browning

B-John Done

C-Mathew Arnold

D-Alfred Tennyson


61- The Scholar Gipsy was written by

A-Mathew Arnold

B-Robert Browning

C-W. B Yeats

D-Alfred Tennyson


62- Mathew Arnold belongs to

A- Victorian Age

B-Romantic Age

C-Puritan Age

D-Modern Age

MCQ on Victorian Age in English Literature

63- Who wrote ‘Three Musketeers’?

A-Alexander Dumas

B- William Shakespeare

C-Sir Walter Scott

D-R.L Stevenson


64-Vanity Fair is a ————

A- Novel

B- Story

C- Poetry

D- Drama


65-Vanity Fair is a novel by————






66- A Tale of Two Cities a novel by






67- Who did not receive Nobel Prize in Literature?

A-Leo Tolstoy

B-Bernard Shaw

C-T. S Eliot

D-Bertrand Rusell


68-  Who wrote ”War and Peace”?

A-Leo Tolstoy

B-William Cowper


D-John Ruskin


69-The Return of the Native is written by

A- Thomas Hardy

B-Alexander Dumas

C-Somerset Maugham

D-Aldus Huxley

Victorian Literature Worksheet 

70- Sherlock Holmes was written by

A- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

B-G K Chesterton

C-John Galsworthy

D- Macbeth


71- Give me a good mother, I will give you a good nation was the observation of

A- Napoleon


C-Abraham Lincoln



72- Who was a Poet Laureate after William Wordsworth?

A- Alfred Tennyson

B- Ben Johnson

C-John Dryden

D-Edmund Spenser


73- Who is the author of Arabian Nights?

A-Sir Richard Burton


C- Smith

D- None

75- Wuthering Heights written by

A-Emily Bronte





76- Which novel features the detecting skill of Sergeant Cuff?

A- The Moonstone


C-Edwin Drood

D- The Picture of Dorian Gray

Multiple Choice Questions on Victorian Literature

78- Which poet wrote this line ”Oh to be in England, Now that Aprils there”?

A- Robert Browning

B-Matthew Arnold


D-William Morris


79- Which novel bears the subtitle ”A pure woman”?

A-Tess of the Urbervilles

B-Jane Eyre

C-  Agnes Gray

D-Mary Barton


80- Which nations have the alternative titles ”The Two Nations”?

A-North and South


C- A Tale of Two Cities

D-Jude the Obscure


81-Which of these novels set in a large part of America?

A-Martin Chuzzlewit


C-The Nether World

D-The Woodlanders

82-Which poet asserted each man kill the thing he loves?

A-George Meredith

B-Algernon Charles Swinburn

C-Oscar Wild

D-Dante Gabriel Rossetti


83- Which Dicken’s novel features the London debtor’s person the Marshalsea?

A- Oliver Twist

B-Dombey and Son

C-Bleak House

D-Little Dorrit


84- Who wrote Modern Love?

A-Dante Gabriel Rossetti

B-Oscar Wild

C-George Meredith

D-Algernon Charles Swinburne


85- Which age was one of the most prosperous ages in the history of English literature?

A- Romantic Age

B- Victorian Age

C- Modern Age

D- Augustan Age


86- Elizabeth Gaskell’s novel Mary Barton is sub-titled

A- A Tale of Manchester Life

B-The Two nation

C-A Story of Provincial Life

D-The Factory Girl


87- The City of Dreadful Night written by

A- James Thomson

B-Mathew Arnold

C-Robert Browning

D-John Davidson

88-The Term ‘Curtal Sonnet’ was coined by

A-Gerard Manley Hopkins

B-Robert Browning

C-William Blake

D-John Milton

Quiz on Victorian Literature 

89-What was the first literary experiment of Charles Dickens?

A-Sketches By Boz

B-Reprinted Piece

C-The Mudfog Paper

D-The Infomercial Traveller


90- What is the sub-title of ‘Oliver Twist

A-The Paris’s Boy Progress

B-The Progress of a Boy

C-The Life and Adventure

D-A Tale of Progress


91- Which of the following worked as an editor of Cornhill Magazine?

A- W.M Thackeray

B-George Meredith

C-Thomas Hardy

D-George Eliot


92- Emily’s Bronte Wuthering Heights published in






93-Which of the following Tennyson poems is a Dramatic Monologue?


B-In Memorium

C-Crossing The Bar

D-The Charge of the Light Brigade

Questions on Victorian Period 

94- Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species published in






95- Vanity Fair by W.M Thackeray used the title of

A-Pilgrim’s Progress- John Bunyan

B-Our Mutual Friends- Charles Dickens

C-Merchant of Venice- Shakespeare

D- Men and Women- Robert Browning


96- Which play of Wilde has the subtitle ‘A trivial comedy for serious people

A-The Importance of Being Earnest

B- A Woman of No Importance

C-An Ideal Husband

D- None


97- Samuel Butler’s Erewhon is an example of

A-Utopia Literature

B-Feminist Literature

C-War Literature

D-Feminine Literature


98- The book ”The defense of Guenevere and other poems by William Morris is dedicated to

A- Dante Gabriel Rosette

B-Mathew Arnold

C-Charles Dickens

D-Christina Rossetti


99-  What is the full name of Dante Gabriel Rosette?

A-Gabriel Charles Dante Rossette

B-Dante Gabriel Rossette

C- Both A and B

D- None


100- Which of the following is Jane Eyre’s pupil at Thornfield Hall?





Multiple Choice Question on Victorian Literature

Top 100 MCQ on Victorian Age in English Literature

Most of the writers from the Victorian age have contributed their literary work to English literature. If you have any questions regarding the above content may contact us through Email.

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